So it's time to start in earnest. A used Baby jogger, 2 kids, and some gumption is what I have. Need a goal and some new shoes. Shoes are easy, what should the goal be? Marathon by Nov? Maybe a 1/2 would be better as there are so many other things going on like graduating, passing my boards, trying to get Sascha to share with Sage, helping Debbie move and yard sale her stuff, and us moving to Korea. However without a goal, I'm a slacker.
Sascha has began packing for Korea. She wants to bring her crayons, her blankie with tinkerbell on it, and her coloring paper. She also doesn't want the plane to be "too loud". I think Sage'll be happy if there's a boobie. Sascha is now pulling her clothes out to go to Korea.
She sure missed her Daddy! Like someone else I know...